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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pulse of Hog Fans

Fake Scenario: A local reporter uncovers a factual story which reveals some concerns involving the Hog football team. The story in not scandalous nor is cheating involved but is does shed some light on how things are being operated. Would you be mad at the reporter? Could you care less because the program is winning?

Your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be mad at the reporter. I'd be mad at the program for doing something stupid enough to cast a bad light over the whole program, no matter how small or serious. Some players may do stupid stuff that makes them look bad. A coach/program doing something stupid takes a long time for it to go away. Ohio St. And Auburn will be looked at closely for years to come all.

Anonymous said...

if it can be confirmed, then yes i'd want to hear about it. no coach/program is above scrutiny.

Anonymous said...

Win... If it's not against the rules, then win. Be clean and win...

wayne1958 said...

I would not be mad at the reporter. I would want to know the good, the bad and the ugly.


Anonymous said...

This is silly. The perception of the truth by a group of people should play no role in a reporter providing truth. Also, it should be "couldn't care less". "Could care" less implies they do care and negates the point that is trying to be made.

Anonymous said...

It is a duty-bound moral imperative that -- if something is known -- it should be published and disclosed.


If a leader's ongoing or past indiscretions are unable to withhold scrutiny, then they shouldn't be the leader.

Wins in weak conferences, backing into the BCS (twice), and a sub .500 SEC record are not acceptable rationalizations for evident lack of character.